Issy Anderson & Mackenzie Roskruge


Hi everyone! My name is Issy and I am one of your Social Officers for 2024! I am going into my 4th year doing a Law and Global Studies conjoint, majoring in Global Politics and Human Rights, with a particular interest in international relations and languages. Before moving to Auckland for university, I lived in sunny Nelson for a few years but I predominantly grew up in the Middle East. I love to run and do Pilates, read, listen to podcasts, and spend time with my friends. I’m super excited to be on the AULSS Executive for 2024 and cannot wait to get going and make this year a blast for all law students!

Hey, I’m Kenz! Co-social officer for 2024! I’m a Part 2.5 LLB/BCom student majoring in Accounting and International Business. Outside of university, I work in Business Development for a job marketplace and love a good pilates/coffee trip. One fun fact about me is that my last name - Roskruge - comes from a line of Cornish pirates/smugglers! Super excited for 2024!